50W Power Amplifier Using STK084

Posted by: W3Circuits Team on 11:22 in Audio and Music | Comments : 0
This is the circuit diagram of 50W power amplifier circuit which built based on single power amplifier chip of STK084. It's an well-known old IC for audio frequency (AF) amplifier.

50W Power Amplifier Circuit Diagram

50W Power Amplifier Using STK084

This circuit requires dual polarity / split power supply with maximum supply of ± 50. The recommended supply is ± 35 / 2-3A DC current. You may use this split power supply circuit for the amplifier. Use 28V center tap transformer to get about ± 36V output.

Technical Details:

Power output: 50W
RL : 8 Ohm
TDH : 0.2 %
Rin : 52K
Gain : 26.4 dB
Noise : 0.3 mV

Take a note that heatsink is required to be mounted on the power IC since it will going to hot when operated and deliver high power output (high audio volume level).

Source Link: www.w3circuits.com

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