12V Solar Inverter Battery Charger

Here is an energy saving solar inverter battery charger. It harvests solar energy to replenish 12 volt inverter battery. It has auto cut off facility to stop charging when the battery attains full charge. The charger uses a 24 volt solar panel as input.

The circuit uses a variable voltage regulator IC LM 317 to set the output voltage steady around 16 volts. Variable resistor VR controls the output voltage. When the solar panel generates current, D1 forward biases and Regulator IC gets input current. Its output voltage depends on the setting of VR and the output current is controlled by R1. This current passes through D2 and R3. When the output voltage is above (as set by VR) 16 volts, zener diode ZD2 conducts and gives stable 15 volts for charging.

Solar Inverter Battery Charger Circuit Diagram:

12V Solar Inverter Battery Charger

Charging current depends on R1 and R3. Around 250 to 300 mA current will be available for charging. Green LED indicates charging status. When the battery attains full voltage around 13 volts, Zener diode ZD1 conducts and T1 forward biases.

This drains the output current from the regulator IC through T1 and charging process stops. When the battery voltage reduces below 12 volts, ZD1 turns off and battery charging starts again.

Connect the circuit to the solar panel and measure the input voltage. Make sure that it is above 18 volts. Connect the circuit to the battery with correct polarity and adjust VR till LED lights. This indicates the conduction of ZD2 and output voltage. Use heat sinks for LM317 and TIP 122 to dissipate heat.

Note : The same circuit can be modified for charging different types of batteries. The only modification required is the change of ZD1 and ZD2. Select ZD2 value for the required output voltage and ZD1 for cut off voltage level. For example for 6 volt battery, ZD1 should be 6.1 volts and ZD2 6.8 volt. For Mobile battery, ZD1 should be 4.7 volts and ZD2 5.1 volts. All the other components remain same.
Gel Battery Suppliers
Lead Acid Battery Charge Monitor
As per manufacturer’s data sheets, a 12V rechargeable lead-acid battery should be operated within 10.1V and 13.8V. When the battery charges higher than 13.8V it is said to be overcharged, and when it discharges below 10.1V it can be deeply discharged. A single event of overcharge or deep discharge can bring down the charge-holding capacity of a battery by 15 to 20 per cent.

It is therefore necessary for all concerned to monitor the charge level of their batteries continuously. But, in practice, many of the battery users are unable to do so because of non-availability of reasonably-priced monitoring equipment. The circuit idea presented here will fill this void by providing a circuit for monitoring the charge level of lead-acid batteries continuously. The circuit possesses two vital features:
First, it reduces the requirement of human attention by about 85 per cent.
Second, it is a highly accurate and sophisticated method.
Lead Acid Battery Charge Monitor Circuit Diagram:
The circuit is powered by the battery under test, via a voltage regulator IC. The circuit takes about 100 mA for its operation.

For calibrating the upper and lower reference levels, a digital multimeter and a variable regulated power supply source are required. For calibrating the lower reference voltage, follow the steps given below:
Set the output of power supply source to 10.1V.
Connect the power supply source in place of the battery.
Now the display will show some reading. At this point vary preset VR2 until the reading on the display just changes from 1 to 0.

The higher reference voltage is calibrated similarly by setting the power supply to 13.8V and varying preset VR1 until reading on the display just changes from 8 to 9.
After the calibration is completed, the circuit may be housed in a suitable enclosure. The cost of all the components, including the enclosure, would be around Rs 200.

Source Link: www.w3circuits.com

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